Friday, May 11, 2012

Language Testing Group 4

Language Testing
Kind of Tests (Listening test, Vocabulary test, and C-test)
Arranged by:
4th Group
Nosmalasari (A1 D2 09 004)
Sri Yuliani. M (A1 D2 09 006)
Sari Amiliya (A1D2 09 020)
Zulkifli (A1D2 08 0   )
Project Description
The objective of this paper is to collect the sample of test iincluding listening test, vocabulary test and C-test. We found all of the test from internet, books, and test is made by our group.  There are some procedures when we construct the test, the first one is we searched  it from the internet and book  ,and the second one  we collect all the data that we found from intenet  and book about listening test, vocabulary test and c-test, after that we discuss it for choosing the the test.  This test is apropriate if we apply in senior high school, because the sample of the test suitable with the intermediate level in this case senior high school students.
We divide this project into three parts, the first test is listening test that be done by Sari amiliya. In this project she found some points about listening test, such as the defenition, the kind of listening test and the example of listening test. Kind of listening test that she found are asking question (phrase), asking question question (sentences), asking question (discourse), and retell. The second test is vocabulary test, that be done by Nosmalasari, she found also the definition of vocabulary test, and kinds of vocabulary. In this project, she devide the kind of vocabulary test into seven points, they are show objects, exhibit/show off, give equivalent, give synonym, give antonym, mention the words,  anda complete the sentence. And the last test is C-test that be done by Sri yuliani M, she also found the definition and the example of C-test.
Listening Test
Listening test in this paper, consist of 4 parts. In this case asking question (phrase), asking question (sentences), asking question (discourse), and Retell.
Listening possibility the language to understand the usage of the language used orally, because of the daily communication is made orally, it is very important capabilities possessed by every language user. Without good listening skills, there will be many misunderstanding in communication between users of the language during that cause various barriers in the exercise of the duties and daily activities.
Compared with the ability to speak or write the active-productive, is a passive listening skills, receptive, as well as the ability to understand the reading. Listening skills, especially related to the ability to understand the meaning of a form which disclosed the use of oral language and to understand the meaning from the spoken language that is the target of the listening test.
1.The example of listening test:
v  Asking Question (Phrase)
Listen carefully each phrase and the question that follow. Write the answer based on the question as short as possible.
Example       :
·         (white board)
Where can we find it? In the hospital.
·         ( The lecturer in university)
What is it?
·          (temperature below zero)
How is the weather
Source: English in focus for grade VII, junior high school ( SMP/MTs) by Artono Wardiman, Masduki B. jahur and M. Sukirman Djusma.
v  Asking question (sentence)
Listen carefully and complete the dialogues based on the example. Then practice them with your partner.
Rosita                             : Good afternoon,sir.
Mr. Sembiring       : good afternoon. Are you a new student?
Rosita                             : Yes, Sir. I am Rosita Siregar. I am in 1F. how are you ?
Mr. Sembiring       : Fine,my name is Sembiring. I am a science teacher. Do you  come from medan?
Rosita                             : Yes, Sir. My parents live there. But I live here with my uncle.
Mr. Sembiling        : Pleased to meet you too, Mr sembiring.
1.     Roger          : Good morning, Ma’am
Mrs Felix     : …………………………………
Roger          : Yes, Ma’am . I am Roger Sondakh. I am in 1C. …….....
Mrs. Felix    : ……………………………………………
                     My name is Felicia Felix. I am an English teacher. Do you come from Manado?
Roger          : Yes, Ma’am. My parents live there. But I live here with my brother.
Mrs. Felix    : Nice to meet you, Roger.
Roger          : ………………………………………
2.    Mirza          : Hi, Togur. …………………………………………………. ?
Togur          : Hi, Mirza. …………………………………………………. ?
Mirza          : Not too bad. Thanks.
3.    Ranto           : Hello, Sandra. ……………………………………………. ?
Sandra                  : ……………………………………………………………. ?
Ranto           : Fine, Thanks.
4.    You              : Hi, …………………... .  ……………………….. ?
Your friend  : Hi, …………………… . …………………………
You              : ……………………………………………………
Source: English in focus for grade VII, junior high school ( SMP/MTs) by Artono Wardiman, Masduki B. jahur and M. Sukirman Djusma.
v Asking question ( Discourse)
Listening carefully and complete the discourse below:
Honey is the sweet, thick fkuid made by bess from (1)………. . nectar is a thin, watery liquid. Bees sip it from the blossoms and carry it to their hives. Each worker bee has a pouch on its body, called (2)………… where the nectar is stored. In the pouch, the sugar and nectar are broken down by a process called (3)…….. into two simple sugars, (4)…….. and (5) ……… . After bees deposit the nectar in the (6)…………., they allow most of the water to evaporate and liquid thickens. They also add (7)…… that enhance the flavor.
Honey is an (8) ……….. because it contains simple sugars that can be used quickly by the body. It differs chemically from (9)………., which is also an energy food. Honey contains (10) ……………… and other materials needed by the body. It is the only form of sugar that does not need to be refined.
Source: English in focus for grade VII, junior high school ( SMP/MTs) by Artono Wardiman, Masduki B. jahur and M. Sukirman Djusma.
v    Retell
Listen carefully the discourse below, then retell that discourse in words that should same with the original discourse, and general understanding.
John was ten years old and he has was very lazy boy. He had to go to school of course, but he was bored there and tried to do as little work as possible. His father and mother were both doctors and they hoped that he would become one, too. When he grew up, but one day John said to his mother, when I finish school, I want to become a garbage collector.
“A garbage collector? His mother asked. She was very surprised.
Source: English in focus for grade VII, junior high school ( SMP/MTs) by Artono Wardiman, Masduki B. jahur and M. Sukirman Djusma.
Vocabulary Test
As part of the components of language, the vocabulary consists of words that are used in communication through language, both the use of oral and written language. Vocabulary is mainly concerned with the mastery of the meanings of words, in addition the ability to use it in the proper context and also the right place in the discourse.
These tests are conducted to obtain information about students' mastery of vocabulary. This test is often associated with good reading skills (understanding the meaning of words in the context of the sentence/discourse) and write (using the word in accordance with the principles of accuracy and appropriateness).
Vocabulary tests can be divided into:
1.  Show objects
Students show the objects.
-          Pen                   -  Hat
-          Book                 -  Tie
-          Watch
Source: test are made by herself
2.  Exhibit/show off
Students demonstrate the meaning of the word by demonstrating.
-        Sit                             -  To smile
-       Walk                  -  Jump
-       Write
3.  equivalent
-          Question = Pertanyaan
-          Development = Perkembangan
-          Necessary= Perlu
-          Expectation = Pengharapan
-          Experience = Pengalaman
Source: test are made by herself
4.  Give synonym
Students give another word or synonym of a word.
-          Quick
-          Seldom
-          Complete
-          Big
-          Good
-          Fast
-          Rarely
-          Perfect
-          Large
-          Well, nice
5.  Give antonym
Students give antonym of a word.
-           Good                x  bad
-          defile               x  purify
-          demise              x  birth
-          open                 x  close
-          big                             x  small
Source: Test are made by herself
6.  Mention the words
Students mention the word as the meaning of the sentence:
1)    a place where people can shop
2)   fifth month of the year
3)   people who teach in a school
4)   unhealthy state of body
5)   one of the staple food
1.     market
2.    may
3.    teacher
4.    sick
5.    rice
7.  Complete the sentence
1)    Tent, ropes, stick, cooking utensils are some … of camping.
2)   . . . is the public place that we can see animals and plant.
3)   Swimming, boxing, running are some . . . of sports.
4)   Football and badminton are most . . . sport in Indonesia.
5)   My father goes to the . . . to buy medicine.
1.     Equipments
2.    Zoo
3.    Kinds
4.    Popular
5.    Drugstore
Source: Http://
The C-test is an integrative testing instrument that measures overall language competence, very much like the cloze test. It consists of four to six short, preferably authentic, texts in the target language, to which “the rule of two” has been applied: the second half of every second word has been deleted, beginning with the second word of the second sentence; the first and last sentences are left intact. If a word has an odd number of letters, the “bigger” part is omitted, e.g., proud becomes pr-. One-letter words, such as I, are ignored in the counting. The students’ task is to restore the missing parts. In a typical C-test there are 100 gaps-that is, missing parts. Only entirely correct restorations are accepted.
The examples:
Laurence Feldman is Marketing Professor at the University of Illinois in Chicago. He h_ _ spent ye_ _ _ studying h_ _ people u_ _ their elect_ _ _ _ _ appliances. H_ believes th_ _ the mod_ _ _ home i_ filling u_ with mach_ _ _ _ which c_ _ do 20 diff_ _ _ _ _ things, b_ _ most peo_ _ _ only u_ _ them f_ _ two o_ three func_ _ _ _ _ because th_ _ are sim_ _ too compl_ _ _ _ _ _ to ope_ _ _ _. "People b_ _ these mach_ _ _ _, says Feldman, " believing they will learn how to use them. However, when they cannot understand the instruction booklets, they get frightened of all the buttons and switches, and just use the simplest functions.
1.     has
14. but
2.    years
15. people
3.    how
16. use
4.    use
17. for
5.    electrical
18. or
6.    he
19. functions
7.    that
20. they
8.    modern
21. simply
9.    is
22. complicated
10. up
23. operate
11.  machines
24. buy
12. can
25. machines
13. different
I was four when I started to learn to write. My grandfather started to teach me before I went to school. I remember th_ _ I always fo_ _ _ the cap_ _ _ _ letters mu_ _ easier t_ write th_ _ the sm_ _ _ letters. I reme_ _ _ _ that on_ _ we sta_ _ _ _ writing i_ school w_ were n_ _ allowed t_ use pe_ _, we h_ _ to u_ _ pencils un_ _ _ we bec_ _ _ really go_ _ at wri_ _ _ _. I can wr_ _ _ a few charac_ _ _ _ in Chi_ _ _ _ now, b_ _ not very many. As far as my normal writing is concerned, I have two styles of handwriting: one for other people and one for myself. Most people think that when I am really trying hard, my writing is easy to read and looks quite good. I think it looks quite impressive too.
1.     That
14. To
2.    Found
15. Pens
3.    Capital
16. Had
4.    Much
17. Use
5.    To
18. Until
6.    Than
19. Became
7.    Small
8.    Remember
21. Writing
9.    Once
10. Started
11.  In
12. We
13. Not

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